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Art and Portraits by Margaret Bartlett - Portraits from
- Creating oil portraits
from your favorite photos. People, pets, houses and
cars. Portraits make wonderful gifts and lasting memories.
Art at Studio
5 - Oil paintings by Bryn
- Virtual exhibition
of original contemporary oil paintings. http://www.art-at-studio5.com/
Art by Donna
- Donna Butnik,
artist, Seriagraphs, Silk Screens, Giclee printing,
Iris Prints, Art, Paintings, Watercolors, Fine Art Prints.
Art Studio Porto,
Fine Puerto Rican Art by Latin Artist Antonio Broccoli
- Virtual gallery
of Puerto Rican Art by Old San Juan,Latin Artist Antonio
Broccoli Porto. Folkloric & Afro-Caribbean musical
themed paintings. Paintings,fotos and sculptures related
to PR. Links about PR. http://www.studioporto.com/
Artist Alec J. Becker, specializing in landscape paintings
- Artist Alec J.
Becker of Vancouver British Columbia Canada creates
and paints mainly landscape art both for gallery display
and for purchase. http://www.alecbecker.com/
Artiste Peintre Illustrateur Marie Blanche Bayon
- Ce site présente
lartiste peintre Marie-Blanche Bayon, et des extraits
de son oeuvre surréaliste, onirique (acrylique sur
toile, encres sur papier.. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/marieblanchebayon/Bayon.htm
Expressions by Donovan Ball
- A collection of
paintings,art, sketches,portraits, and artwork by Donovan
Augusto Bordelois
- Augusto Fine Art
- Augusto Bordelois,
Cuban artist currently working in Cleveland, Ohio. Galleries
and updates about his latest works. Publisher of The
Art Fix. Painting http://www.augustofineart.com/
Barachini, Joze
- Joze Barachini
- slikar, katalog slik, zivali, svobodni umetnik,
realist. http://home.amis.net/baracini/
Batt, Deborah
- Online art gallery
of Deborah Batt, original contemporary artwork, abstract
art, landscapes, nudes, fine art prints.
Belikov, Vasilij
- Oil paintings
of the Russian artist Vasilij Belikov. Landscape, seascape,
still life, portrait.
Bosch, Trix
- Art Trix Bosch
Nederlandse Kunstenares. http://www.art-trixbosch.nl/
Boysen, Mary Ann
- Welcome to the
Studio of Watercolorist, Mary Ann Boysen. http://www.maboysen.com/
Brown Cow Studio
- Sue Brown's Original Art
- A website showcasing
the original art of emerging artist Sue Brown
Burd, Maria
- Oil painter specializing
in humanoid-like figures, portraits, still life, flowers,
and butterflies. Narrative symbolic works created though
intense colors, high contras http://www.mariaburd.com/
Carmen Berges, acuarela
y Angel Sanz Goena, poesía - Color del Alma
- Página Oficial
de los artistas Carmen Berges y Ángel Sanz Goena,
en la que a través de su obra, acuarelas llenas de
vida y poesías repletas de sentimientos, transmiten
la belleza, la espiritualidad y la sensibilidad de una
vida en armonía http://www.colordelalma.com/
Cove House Studios
- Fine Art by Julie and Bruce Babb
- Art Gallery featuring
this Maine couples works of Paintings, Drawings, Portraits,
Caligraphy and Marquetry. http://www.covehousestudios.com/
Dorota Buczel -
Toronto Muralist Portrait Painter Art
- Professional Toronto
makeup artist and visual artist specializing in bridal
makeup, fashion, editorial, theatre, film, TV, special
effects, airbrushing, body painting, camouflage
Firefighter Paintings, Fire fighter art, Fire Paintings
- Paul Beckingham
- Welcome to the
Paul Beckingham Gallery, an online virtual gallery of
fire paintings.
Anke Bajurin
- Contemporary art
exhibitions and art projects by painter Anka Bajurin
from Dubrovnik. Galerija slika i art-projekata akademske
slikarice Anke Bajurin iz Dubrovnika. http://free-du.htnet.hr/ankabajurin/
Italian Art Paintings
- Fine Art Anna Maria Barbuggiani
- Fine Italian art
for sale. Original art paintings and limited edition
prints of Italy/Arte Italiana a portata di clic.
Matthew Bates - Original Oil Paintings in Florence,
- Matthew Bates
Original Oil Paintings in the style of Magic Realism
inspired by the beauty of Firenze and Tuscany.
Megan Burford -
Watercolour Artist official website - M J Art
- Detailed watercolour
paintings by UK English artist Megan Burford. Landscapes,
racehorses, horse racing cats and dogs. Racehorses,
horse racing. http://www.meganburford.com/
Oil paintings Art Prints Portraits decor by Robert Bissett
- Original oil paintings
archival art prints and Portrait commissions offered
for home or office wall decor
Original Abstract
Paintings for Sale and Art Investment by Sherry Baumann
- Original contemporary
abstract paintings for sale and/or art investment at
Art Beyond the Edge, by the self taught, emerging KY
artist, Sherry Baumann. http://www.artbeyondtheedge.com/
Original Watercolour paintings from PAB's Art - Landscape & Animal paintings
- Unique & original
watercolour paintings. Paul specialises with landscape
and animal paintings that you can simply buy online
via the online gallery. http://www.pabs-art.co.uk/
Pittore padovano contemporaneo Betto Lucio
- Pittore padovano
contemporaneo Betto Lucio. http://www.bettolucio.it/
Randolf Bruin Art Gallery - Erotic Paintings
- Dutch Artist Randolf
Bruin is on the scene in Beijing. Taking the female
nude as his subject, Randolf experiments with oils and
mixed media to generate a visual experience not to be
Roger Brown
- Artist
- Fine art original
oil paintings by artist Roger Brown. Portraits in oil,landscapes
and original pencil drawings. http://www.rogerbrown-artist.com/
Sally Banfill - Paintings and Prints
- Roadside Attractions:
Strange, uniquely American landscapes filled with elephants,
seals, the worlds largest hat and boots, and more!
SilkyOak Art - Digital
and Traditional Painting by Irene Brownjohn
- Digital and contemporary
painting in oil, acrylic, watercolour and digital medium.
Simon Birtall Illustration & Fine Art
- Buy original landscape
paintings and prints, order portrait paintings from
photos or commission illustration. Art on canvas by
UK artist and illustrator Simon Birtall. http://www.birtall.co.uk/
Spiritual, Fantastic
and Surreal Paintings: Figurative art by Alex Bazarin
- Spiritual, Fantastic
and Surreal Paintings: Figurative art by Alex Bazarin.
Surrealist Paintings
by Surrealist Artist Painter Marco Bonifazi - Surrealist
- Surrealist Oil
Paintings by the Italian Contemporary Artist Painter
and Designer Marco Bonifazi. Techniques: oil, indian
ink, drawing, acrylic and other traditional ones.
The Art of Georgette
- The Art Of Georgette
Backs. http://www.georgettebacks.com/
The Fine Art Paintings of Ron Barsano
- Ron Barsano, visual
arts and fine artist of Taos, New Mexico U.S.A. and
founders of the Taos6, paints oils, landscapes, still
lifes, nudes, watercolors, figures, drawings, and giclee
prints on Clayboard. http://www.barsano.com/
The phenomenon of laughing, by Fons Bloemen
- Fons Bloemen paints
capricious images. http://www.fonsbloemen.nl/
The Wildlife
Art of Carel Pieter Brest van Kempen
- His meticulously
executed acrylic and watercolor paintings explore natures
rich diversity.
Vincenzo Balsamo
Artista Astratto Contemporary Abstract Artist Pittore
- Pittore contemporaneo
astrazione, artista italiano astratto, galleria delle
opere, italian contemporary abstract artist, famous
modern painter of abstraction, fine art, abstractism,
works gallery.
Visual Art by Petrus
- Detailed Paintings
and Pencil Drawings; Lithographs, Prints; Expressing
Spiritual and Personal Truth.
by Lois Beumer
- Original paintings
by Lois Beumer, watercolour paintings; Australian watercolour
artists; original artworks; Investment artworks; Australian
landscapes. http://www.beumerarts.webcentral.com.au/
- Karla Bedard Watercolor
Gallery. http://members.aol.com/Karbed/index.htm
Bernard, Arthur
- Abstract and figurative
Oil and acrylic paintings,mixed media and limited editions
on canvas and paper. http://www.arthurbernard.com/
Berner, Samuel
- Welcome to Kunststil.ch.
Gallery of artist painter Samuel Berner. http://www.kunststil.ch/
Boureau, Silvere
- Limited edition
prints and landscape paintings by Silvere Boureau.
Contemporary Western Art by Texas Artist Brad Braune
- Contemporary Western
Art by Texas Artist Brad Braune. http://www.bradbraune.com/
Daniela Bellotti
Studio d'Arte
- Daniela Bellotti
Studio d'Arte http://digilander.libero.it/dabell/
Donna Barnes-Roberts
Art Page
- Art issues, art
longevity,how to select fine art, plus Pasadena area
club info. http://www.barnesroberts.com/
Glen Barnes Art-Home
Page and Biography
- Glen Barnes, painter
in oils and watercolor, explores the historical subject
matter of Americas Eighteenth Century Eastern Frontier
in dramatic compositions http://www.glenbarnesart.com/
Jacqui Blackman's
Art Studio
- Art studio workshop
with galleries, painting techniques and home of Oils
on Watercolour Paper.
Kunst in de Galerie van David Blair - Paintings for
- Schilderijen van
nieuw zeelandse kunstenaar David Blair. David schilderd
surrealism, wildlife,en romijnse en griekse architectuur.
Linda Besse - Wildlife Artist
- Award winning
oil paintings capture the intricate beauty of animals
and nature from around the world.
Linda Biggs Watercolor
Fairy Art
- Linda Biggs Fairie
Forest Website offers prints, note cards, postcards,
and fairy gift Items based on Lindas original watercolor
paintings. http://www.fairieforest.com/
Maurizio Boscheri
- Official Web site
- Maurizio boscheri
- artista e pittore naturalista dipinge animali tra
i piu rari nel loro ambiente naturale, foresta tropicale,
savana, dando risalto nei suoi quadri a tutti i colori
e i profumi della natura.
Paintings by Adriaan Brolsma
- Paintings, collages,
digital images etc. by Adriaan Brolsma. Desktop pictures.
Schilderijen. Text in English and Dutch. http://www.a-brolsma.nl/
Paul Brent Gallery - Art prints, Paintings, Watercolors,
Art reproductions
- Shop online for
prints and products by watercolor artist Paul Brent.
Order art prints, wallpaper, shower curtains, tiles,
rugs, home decor and gifts based on beach scenes
Pet portraiture
by Tamara Burnett
- Beautiful, highly
detailed and realistic custom pet portraits by this
famed artist Tamara Burnett. Tamara is known for her
uncanny ability to capture her subjects essence through
the eyes.
Bankey Yoder - Wildlife Artist
- Her enjoyment
of the outdoors, combined with a keen eye for detail
produce dramatic gouache and acrylic renditions of wildlife
in their natural surroundings. http://www.susanbankeyyoderartist.com/
The Wildlife Art
of Peter Bruce
- The Online Gallery
of Wildlife Artist Peter Bruce. African and Scottish
Wildlife art Paintings in oils, gouache, pastel.
Watercolor Works
by Leslie Boydston
- Original floral
, landscape, animal watercolor works by Leslie Boydston
printed on shirts,sweatshirts, tank tops, t-shirts,
mugs, mousepads, totebags, and hats by Cafepress .
Watercolor, Photography
by Pat Backer & Mary Backer
- Watercolor, Photography,
Pat Backer, Mary Backer, Bodacious Images, Fine Art.
Wildlife Art,
Bay Scenes and Landscapes by Robert Bevard
- Robert specializes
in oil and watercolor paintings and pen & ink and
pencil drawings of wildlife and nature. http://www.bevard-art-studio.com/
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